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As required in a sentence

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Sentence count:143+2Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: requiredrequired reservesrequirerequirementmargin requirementreserve requirementreserve requirementsperformance requirementMeaning: adv. according to need (physicians use PRN in writing prescriptions). 
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(91) Reassign changes as required.
(92) The Economic and Social Council shall meet as required in accordance with its rules, which shall include provision for the convening of meetings on the request of a majority of its members.
(93) By combining distributed computing resources into a single system "image," grid computing creates a virtual computer from which users can access data and resources as required.
(94) To render other legal - assistant services for the Company as required by manager.
(95) We have to do is to study the display format of each entry and its HTML code, and then replaced on the line as required.
(96) Thu Wai said his party sent in a list of over 1, 000 members last month as required by the political party registration law and the Election Commission had shared the information with police.
(97) In this case, required tension for each bolt shall be marked and drawing and Vendor data book as required for tightening torque.
(98) Ensure that the TL and Team Members have fulfilled their duties as required in the Audit Policy.
(99) Redistribution of representation in a legislative body, especially the periodic reallotment of U. S. congressional seats according to changes in the census figures as required by the Constitution.
(100) USDA failed to conduct an environmental impact statement (EIS), as required by law, before deregulating the crop.
(101) This fact enables the supply to be turned off as required by a switch.
(102) ASME documents that are held on file by BPS are those defined by ASME as required for use with NS Code symbol.
(103) Massage over the specific area until fully absorbed as often as required.
(104) In the Join dialog box change the comparison operator between the primary keys as required.
(105) Dab onto the neck and pulse points, as often as required.
(106) Random-Access Memory. A broad classification of memory devices that includes all devices in which individual memory locations may be read or written as required.
(107) Make copies of engineering drawings for production other company employees as required.
(108) The root node of the process definition is the process element[], as required by the grammar of BPEL4WS.
(109) Please describe your full translation process additional space as required.
(110) The one-celled embryos, created at the University of Newcastle, were destroyed within days, as required by law.
(111) The instrument is capable of providing digital or analog output as required.
(112) After a script is recorded, Rational Functional Tester features can reproduced it again as many times as required, without any user input or assistance from a professional tester.
(113) Client agrees to deposit by immediate wire transfer such additional margin when and as required by GFM and will promptly meet all margin calls by such methods as GFM in its sole discretion designates.
(114) Prepare operating and capital budgets and variance reports as required.
(115) We'll cover the goods against WPA as required by the buyer.
(116) Log trouble tickets and escalate to Level 2 support as required.
(117) Use one or two times per week or as required.
(118) Conduct physical examination of production workers as required by QMS.
(119) Scoop out with your fingers and massage into your skin as often as required.
(120) Proper quality control of materials and inspections, as required by the Department of Transportation (DOT), lessen the probability of cylinder leaks.
More similar words: requiredrequired reservesrequirerequirementmargin requirementreserve requirementreserve requirementsperformance requirementreserve requirement ratiomaterial requirement planningacquiredreacquiredacquired tasteacquired immunityrequiemrequitequirerequitalsquirerequisiteesquireenquireacquireinquireunrequitedenquirerinquireracquirerrequisitioninquire for
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